Tallaght District Heating Scheme | Dublin, Ireland

The Tallaght District Heating Scheme (TDHS) is the first large-scale district heating network of its kind in Ireland. The scheme went live early in 2023 and operates under Heat Works, Ireland’s first not-for-profit energy utility, fully-owned by South Dublin County Council. The scheme will make a significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions in the area, saving almost 1,500 tonnes of CO2 each year and establishing Tallaght as a leader in innovation in the area of climate change. The TDHS delivers a high level of innovation, as waste heat from the nearby Amazon data centre will supply the heat to the network. During normal operation, heat demand will be 100% covered from the data centre waste heat. South Dublin County Council initiated this project to exemplify the environmental value and potential of district heating in Ireland. The collaboration between the council, Amazon, Fortum (the contractor) and the Dublin energy agency Codema has resulted in a low-carbon solution, optimising the potential of recyclable heat combined with innovative heat-pump technology. Heat Works intends to be an exemplar heat network business in Ireland, delivering economic, environmental and social benefits for residents and businesses. It will become a prominent part of the county’s identity, supporting the local and national climate action plans by reducing its carbon footprint and helping make South Dublin a better place to live, work and visit.

Visit the project’s website here.